What You Need to Know About Mining Job Salaries in Australia

The Australian mining industry is a significant contributor to the country's economy, providing high-paying jobs and benefits to skilled workers. Salaries in the industry vary based on location, job type, mineral type, experience, and education. Mining professionals also enjoy health and safety benefits, training and development opportunities, and retirement benefits. In this post we'll untangle the various nuances across the industry.

Australian cash (notes) laid out on a white table


The mining industry is an essential part of the Australian economy. It is one of the largest and most important sectors in the country, with significant contributions to employment, exports, and economic growth. Mining is a complex and diverse industry, and there are many different types of mining jobs available.

The importance of mining job salaries cannot be overstated. Salaries are a crucial consideration for anyone considering a career in the mining industry. A competitive salary is not only necessary to attract and retain talented individuals but also contributes to the overall wellbeing and quality of life of those working in the industry.

Average salary for mining jobs

The average salary for a mining job in Australia is approximately $118,000 per year. However, this figure can vary wildly depending on the type of mining job, location, and level of experience. Salaries for mining professionals in Australia are among the highest in the world due to the demand for skilled workers in the industry.

Breakdown of salaries by job type

1. Mining engineers

Mining engineers are responsible for designing and implementing mining operations. They are involved in all aspects of mining, from exploration and development to production and closure. The average salary for a mining engineer in Australia is approximately $136,000 per year. Salaries for mining engineers can vary depending on the size and complexity of the project they are working on, as well as their level of experience.

2. Mining geologists

Mining geologists are responsible for finding and evaluating mineral deposits. They use their knowledge of geology to identify areas with high mineral potential and determine the best methods for extracting these minerals. The average salary for a mining geologist in Australia is approximately $121,000 per year. Salaries for mining geologists can vary depending on the type of minerals they are working with, as well as their level of experience.

3. Mining surveyors

Mining surveyors are responsible for measuring and mapping mining sites. They use specialised equipment to create accurate maps of the area, which are used to plan mining operations and ensure the safety of workers. The average salary for a mining surveyor in Australia is approximately $115,000 per year. Salaries for mining surveyors can vary depending on the size and complexity of the mining site they are working on, as well as their level of experience.

4. Underground and open-cut miners

Underground and open-cut miners are responsible for extracting minerals from the earth. They operate heavy machinery, such as drills, excavators, and trucks, to access and remove minerals from the ground. The average salary for an underground miner in Australia is approximately $121,000 per year, while the average salary for an open-cut miner is approximately $119,000 per year. Salaries for miners can vary depending on the type of minerals they are mining, the size and complexity of the mining site, and their level of experience.

Factors that can influence mining job salaries

Several factors can influence mining job salaries in Australia. These include:

  1. Location: Salaries can vary depending on the location of the mining site. Remote sites in Western Australia or Queensland often pay higher salaries to attract workers to these isolated areas.
  2. Type of minerals: Salaries can also vary depending on the type of minerals being mined. Some minerals, such as gold and iron ore, are in high demand, which can result in higher salaries for workers involved in their extraction.
  3. Experience: Experienced workers often command higher salaries than those who are just starting out in the industry.
  4. Education and qualifications: Higher levels of education and specialised qualifications can result in higher salaries for mining professionals.

Benefits for Mining Professionals

In addition to competitive salaries, mining professionals in Australia also benefit from a range of additional benefits. These benefits can help improve the overall quality of life for those working in the industry.

1. Health and safety benefits

Mining is a physically demanding and potentially hazardous industry. As a result, health and safety benefits are a crucial consideration for mining professionals. These benefits can include access to medical facilities, regular health screenings, and comprehensive insurance coverage. In addition, mining companies are required to comply with strict health and safety regulations to ensure the wellbeing of their workers.

2. Training and development opportunities

The mining industry is constantly evolving, and mining professionals need to keep up with the latest developments and technologies. Many mining companies offer training and development opportunities to help their workers enhance their skills and advance their careers. These opportunities can include formal training programs, mentoring, and on-the-job learning.

3. Retirement and superannuation benefits

Retirement and superannuation benefits are also an important consideration for mining professionals. Many mining companies offer generous retirement packages and superannuation benefits to help their workers plan for their future. These benefits can include contributions to a retirement fund, access to financial planning services, and other forms of support.


Mining job salaries in Australia are among the highest in the world, reflecting the demand for skilled workers in the industry. Salaries can vary depending on a range of factors, including location, type of minerals being mined, and level of experience. In addition to competitive salaries, mining professionals in Australia benefit from a range of additional benefits, including health and safety benefits, training and development opportunities, and retirement and superannuation benefits.

For those considering a career in the mining industry in Australia, it is important to research potential employers and carefully consider the benefits and opportunities available. Mining professionals should also be prepared for the demanding and potentially hazardous nature of the industry, and take the necessary steps to ensure their safety and wellbeing.

If you are interested in learning more about mining job salaries in Australia, there are several sources of information available. The Australian Bureau of Statistics, for example, regularly publishes data on mining industry salaries and employment trends. In addition, many mining companies provide information on their website about job opportunities and benefits for their workers. With careful research and consideration, mining professionals can find rewarding and well-compensated careers in the dynamic and challenging Australian mining industry.

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